Protecting our Archaeological
Heritage for the Nation.

CDP Projects

The Treasure Trove Unit provides data for two current CDP (Collaborative Doctoral Partnership) students. The CDP scheme is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC). The current projects using Treasure Trove data are:


  • Coinage, landscape and society in the borderlands: economy, politics and identity in Scotland and northern England, 1136–1603 (commenced 2018, National Museums Scotland and the University of York)


  • Dress and the individual in medieval Scotland 1200–1600 (commenced 2019, National Museums Scotland and the University of Durham) 


TTU Staff Research

Treasure Trove Unit staff regularly undertake their own research projects.

Emily Freeman

Emily's main interest is Roman numismatics. She has recently catalogued all of the Roman coin finds recorded by the TTU from 2011-2019, and is in the process of mapping Roman coin finds across Scotland.

Ella Paul

Ella's current research focuses on expressions of personal identity on late medieval seal matrices, c. 1200-1600. Collaborative research with Dr Alice Blackwell (National Museums Scotland) has started to reassess matrices recorded by the Treasure Trove Unit between 1990 and 2019. Tangentially, Ella is working on a paper looking at representations of St Katherine of Alexandria on these objects.

Ella also holds an interest in Bronze Age metalwork. Collaborative research with National Museums Scotland colleagues Dr Matthew Knight and Trevor Cowie comprises an upcoming synthesis of miniature socketed axeheads found in northern Britain.