Protecting our Archaeological
Heritage for the Nation.

External links

Pages on the Treasure Trove Scotland website include links to relevant content within and also to external sites.

External links are selected and reviewed when the page is published. However, the Treasure Trove Unit is not responsible for the content, accessibility or privacy policies of external websites. The inclusion of a link to an external website from our website is not an endorsement of that website or the site's owners (or their products/services).


This section explains the features that have been incorporated into this site to provide a level of accessibility for all users. 

Text size

If you find that the text is too small for you to read, you can change it to a size you’re more comfortable with: 

  • In Internet Explorer, use the Zoom option in the Settings menu.
  • In Firefox, press the Alt key to temporarily bring up the traditional Firefox menus. On the menu at the top, click View, then go to Zoom.
  • In Chrome, use the Zoom option in the Settings menu.
  • In Safari, use the View > Make Text Bigger option.
  • In Opera, use the Zoom selector.

If you use a wheel-mouse, you may be able to change the text size by holding down the Control or Command key and turning the wheel. In some browsers you can change the text size using Control or Command and the + and - keys. In certain browsers, these functions may ‘zoom’ the entire site rather than just the text. 

Images on

All images on this site contain descriptive alt text. 

Accessibility rating has an ‘AA’ WAI rating with passes for many ‘AAA’ criteria.


For information on PDF files and accessibility visit


Below you will find links to various browsers to help you tailor your current browser to your needs, access alternative browsers or download add-ons:

  • Internet Explorer
    Information on how to change browser settings in Microsoft's IE browsers.
  • Microsoft Edge
    Information on how to change browser settings in Edge.
  • Mozilla
    Information on how to change browser settings in Mozilla browsers, including Firefox.
  • Google Chrome and Android
    Information about accessibility covering a range of Google products, including Android phones.
  • Apple
    Information about accessibility options on Apple products, including Safari and iPhone.
  • Blackberry
    Information on accessibility settings on Blackberry phones.
  • Opera
    Information provided by Opera on how to change browser settings.
  • Amazon Silk
    Accessibility information for Amazon's Silk browser.
  • JAWS screen reader
    Download a free trial copy of the screen reader Jaws.
  • MAGic screen magnification
    Information on screen magnification software.

Copyright notice

The Treasure Trove Unit is committed to protecting copyright and related rights wherever possible.

All images and other content on are copyright Crown Office, unless otherwise stated. Where images and other content have copyright belonging to other individuals or organisations, this is clearly stated on our website.

You may freely access and store most of the website’s contents on a temporary basis for the purposes of personal or private viewing, interaction or listening.

For all other uses, please contact the Treasure Trove Unit.

Takedown policy

The Treasure Trove Unit has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that images and other content on the website are reproduced with consent of their copyright holders.

Please contact us at if you are the owner of the copyright or related rights in any of the content on the Treasure Trove Scotland website, or in a publication or broadcast to which the Treasure Trove Unit has provided content from its collections,

  • and you believe that the content may be subject to a third party ownership or another legal claim,
  • or you believe that use of this content infringes your intellectual property or any other rights.

The Treasure Trove Unit will take down the content from its website upon receipt of your written objection and our initial verification of your complaint, while the matter is investigated.

You need to include the following information in your written objection:

  • Your name, email address and phone number
  • The website address where you found the work
  • The nature of the complaint
  • A statement that you are the copyright holder or are authorised to act on behalf of the rights holder. You may be asked to provide proof of this ownership that would stand up in a court of law

Your objection will be acknowledged within seven working days of receipt. The information you provide in your written objection will be used only in connection with this enquiry.
